Sleep Apnea & Mouth Guards

FDA Cleared Appliances. Easy Insertion. Custom Made For Each Patient.

FDA registered

Treatment of sleep disorders is one of the fastest-growing fields of medicine. Recent developments have put dentists on the front line. With Obstructive Sleep Apnea reaching epidemic levels in our society, you have a unique opportunity to significantly improve the lives of those suffering while adding a valuable service to your practice. Untreated, Obstructive Sleep Apnea can cause high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, memory problems, weight gain, and headaches. It may also be responsible for job impairment and motor vehicle collisions. Fortunately, Obstructive Sleep Apnea can be diagnosed and treated in your office. 


You may be looking to branch out from traditional dentistry to be on the cutting edge of modern medicine, or looking for additional revenue. Dental Sleep Medicine is the perfect solution. In response to increasing awareness of sleep apnea, Crane Dental Laboratory is now offering aesthetic, functional Mandibular Repositioning Devices for your patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Sapphire Dorsal Comfort Fit (Mandibular Dorsal Fin Appliance)

Sapphire Dorsal Comfort Fit 1
The Sapphire Herbst Appliance

Sapphire Herbst Appliance

Dream Tap

Dream Tap

EMA (Elastic Mandibular Advancement)

Lamberg Sleep-Well Appliance

The Lamberg Sleep-Well Appliance
SomnoDent Classic

SomnoDent Classic

Distributed by Crane Dental Laboratory, Inc All versions of SomnoDent products are available.

Panthera D-Sad

Distributed by Crane Dental Laboratory, Inc
Panthera D-Sad

Mouth Guards

At Crane, we fabricate a variety of occlusal guards and bite splints for your patients, including upper and lower, hard or soft.

Anterior Segmented Splint

Anterior Segmented Splint

Comfort H/S™ Splint

Providing bruxing and clenching splints to your patients can be one of the most rewarding treatments in dentistry today. Bite splints can make a world of difference for your bruxing and grinding patients by alleviating pain and preventing further destruction of existing healthy dentition. This sparkling clear splint is available in two versions: hard or hard with a soft inner surface for extra comfort. Both are designed to be the first step in the treatment of bruxism.
The Comfort H/S™ Hard Soft Bite Splint is the most widely prescribed bite splint due to its comfort and fit. Two layers make up the Comfort H/S Bite Splint: a 1mm soft, comfortable polyurethane inner layer and a 3 mm–5mm hard, durable co-polyester outer layer. The soft internal surface rests comfortably against the teeth and gums, while the hard occlusal surface provides durability and bonds with acrylic for easy modification.
Comfort H/S™ Splint
Clear Splint

Clear Splint

For your patients who require stability and wear factor of a hard night guard, but are unable to tolerate it. With advances in thermoplastic materials and laboratory techniques, it is now possible to improve compliance by providing patients with appliances that are light and comfortable, yet highly durable.
The Clear Splint softens in warm water to conform to tooth contours and is extremely gentle on tissue, yet forgiving enough to resolve TMD and hard and durable for nocturnal bruxing.

Full Contact Occlusal Guard

If your patient needs a full contact hard acrylic splint with full coverage, we can design it to your specifications with or without anterior guidance.

Other Products Available


With our commitment to create the perfect fit for you patients, our dentures set us apart from the rest

We work with any implant system and material you choose.

We combine traditional methods with new technology to create the perfect personalized fit.

With our commitment to create the perfect fit for you patients, our dentures set us apart from the rest

We work with any implant system and material you choose.

We combine traditional methods with new technology to create the perfect personalized fit.

Straightening your patients’ smiles with greater comfort.